
放大字体  缩小字体 2020-01-08 10:37:22  阅读:821 作者:责任编辑NO。谢兰花0258

Have you ever seen the MRI picture of a dog? Recently, the result of a pug dog underwent MRI scan has shocked many people.


The picture showing the breed’s signature bulging eyes from the inside is said to be downright terrifying. Another added: “That is simultaneously the cutest and most terrifying thing in the world”


Many found amusement in scan of the poor pug dog, however, a vet expressed her concerns that selective breeding will have a detrimental impact on its health.


According to the doctor, pug dogs’ faces have been shortened due to intensive breeding by humans. We have, through human selection, bred them to look more like a human baby.


Many breeds of dogs suffer from selective breeding and this leads to health problems to their body.


One commented: “Pugs are an abomination and a reminder of all the casual cruelty of which human being are capable”.

